Computer Keyboards at Noel Leeming
There are as many different computer keyboards available at Noel Leeming as there are reasons for getting one. We have keyboards that will get the job done smoothly and efficiently on a budget, offering the freedom and convenience of wireless technology, with Windows shortcut keys, Microsoft's optical technology and comfort for either hand. If you're in the market for something with a bit more functionality and style, check out our keyboards with ergonomically-approved comfort curve design to reduce stress and increase usability, with built-in palm rests designed for comfort whether you're left- or right-handed. We have Apple keyboards as well, with built-in rechargeable batteries and improved scissor mechanism under every key for better stability and durability. Or if you want illuminated keyboards with Bluetooth technology for Windows, Android or iOS devices, backlit and with one-touch switching between your PC, tablet and smartphone, we have what you need.