Android Tablets at Noel Leeming
There are plenty of exciting, useful and just plain fun Android tablets out there, and Noel Leeming has one of the best selections around for you to find exactly what you want. You can start off with one of our extremely budget-friendly 7"" tablets, which although small come packed with such performance enhancements as a 1.3GHz quad core processor, 1GB of RAM and 16GB and more of onboard storage memory. Play games, surf the web, check your email, take and share pictures as you would with a much larger and more expensive tablet. Or you might be in the market for one of the bigger 9.7"" tablets, which offer a wide range of features depending on your preferences and budget, up to memory capacities of 160GB, the latest in display technology, extended battery life, front and rear-facing cameras, Android KitKat technology, micro SD card slots, and multi-positioning capability.